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Efficiency of the so-called aphrodisiacs?
Proč má slabá produkce testosteronu u mužů za následek problémy s erekcí a chutí na sex??
That really is a question which calls for an answer! We know several natural products such as ginger, rhinoceros horn, herb Paris /poisonous herb/ or the Jamaican pepper which have the reputation of being aphrodisiacs. They are deemed to enhance sexual pleasure when making love.
However, numerous scientific studies have proved that these agents have especially a symbolic value without any provable effect on erectile problems. Some physicians even claim that these aphrodisiacs only have a placebo effect.
When we are convinced that a pill has a certain effect, we trust it and exceptionally it can even have an unexpected effect! It can even be dried banana peels which will be administered to you as a pill and it may work just because we believe in it!
That is a simple definition of what the placebo effect is. A man can believe that any pill without any active constituents has a certain effect just because he or she is psychologically convinced of it and sometimes it even works!
However, there is one aphrodisiac which really works. It is the famous cantharides. In fact it is made of pulverized dry flies/ beetles (also called Spanish flies). They became famous in the 18th century during the trial held against the famous debauchee and French writer Marquis de Sade.
The term “sadism” was named after this marquis. He would organize orgies in Marseille in which not only he but also his servants and prostitutes participated. To arouse them sexually, he would give them cantharides for their consumption. Some of them almost died as a result and that is why he was brought to court.
However, he managed to escape certain death and fled to Italy where he continued his debauched life and orgies. He wrote several pornographic novels during his life.
So, cantharidin is a true aphrodisiac but its consumption should be avoided as it is a potent lethal poison!
They represent chemical products generally based on butyl nitrate or amyl nitrate. They come in liquid form and are either inhaled or poured down the nose. They have a strong vasodilatory (blood vessel expanding) effect through which they reduce sensitivity and help delay ejaculation and prolong erection.
These products would be great if they were not harmful to its users: headaches, red stains on the skin, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, respiratory depression or even lethal cardiac arrest.
When using Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, a strong sudden drop of the arterial pressure may occur (collapse) even after the first use which may be lethal. That is why their use is strongly discouraged due to the serious risk to human health or even lethal consequences.