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How it works?
E-REX24 from the Biolab laboratories is an extraordinary new American preparation meant to boost the failing masculinity resulting from the decrease in the level of testosterone – the hormone of masculinity.
World premiere of American preparation
The active constituents of the E-REX24 preparation have astonishing properties which restore the production of testosterone in testicles.
It is a generally known fact that after reaching the maximum production at about 30 years of age, the level of testosterone decreases inevitably with age.
That is why men around forty experience increasing problems with impotence, premature ejaculation, failing masculinity and loss of sexual appetite
But about 40% of men are troubled by these problems as early as at the age of 20.
Their already reduced masculinity then even further decreases with age.
Some of these men resort to using aphrodisiacs such as the “cantharis”. But this substance was used rarely as it may be a lethal poison. Then a synthetic (or exogenous) testosterone was discovered, which was used by athletes as doping.
That led to its ban in sports in 1980. The trend of their performance was upward but subsequently it emerged after several sudden deaths that this synthetic testosterone is extremely dangerous.
It also increased the risk of the development of cancer and serious vascular diseases. It suppressed the body’s own production of the endogenous testosterone as a result of which the testicles became atrophied.
Now we understand why doctors were not able to prescribe the synthetic testosterone to treat the masculinity problems!
Therefore pharmaceutical laboratories developed a drug called Viagra and other sexually enhancing substances such as Cialis and Levitra but these also pose certain risks for the human organism. They are available by prescription only after previous strict medical examination.
That is why researchers started to look for a 100% natural solution to masculinity problems free of any risks.
Ultimately, they succeeded in creating a sensational combination of active constituents obtained from plants rarely occurring in wild nature and South American rain forests.
Laboratory testing as well as tests on patients indisputably proved that their new preparation restores the production of the body’s own endogenous testosterone in the testicles!
The most compelling laboratory proof was a statement that as early as after one hour after administration of the E-REX24 preparation the sperm count in the first ejaculate increased as much as twofold. And subsequent blood tests showed a sharp increase in the level of testosterone.
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Before Low sperm count: That is a signal of erectile insufficiency and decrease in. |
After With the help of EREX 24 after 1 hour: The sperm count is twice as high. Restoration of erection is immediate. |
The researchers thus obtained a confirmation of the fact that the EREX 24 preparation can restart the production of testosterone in men very fast which naturally speeds up the creation and quality of sperm. Moreover, the achieved erections were much longer and stronger.
An erect penis can be as much as 4 cm longer and up to 30 % larger in volume!
Finally a natural and safe solution was found to masculinity problems. Besides that, this new preparation enabled longer, stronger and more frequent erections.
These researchers named their discovery E-REX24 as the effect of their new preparation was almost instantaneous and lasted for as long as 24 hours.
E-REX24: Extraordinary preparation
E-REX24 combines the active substances obtained from 2 plants very rarely occurring in nature in the rain forests of South America:
- Yerba Maté: is a stimulating vasodilatory (vessel expanding) substance
- Muira Puama: is a natural erectile agent increasing potency
Yerba mate is a plant with evergreen leaves of the “Ilex” genus, the holly family which grows along the banks of creeks in the mountain forests of Brazil and Paraguay at altitudes of 500 to 700 meters.
The Yerba Maté tree occurs very rarely and it is a species which almost vanished from our planet.
It was consumed especially by local Indians for its stimulating effects. They used to chew it but it is currently used in the form of infusions. Its leaves and flower stems are consumed dried.
The active constituents discovered in the Yerba Mate are: caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. Each of the substances has specific properties but a precise combination of these 3 active constituents suppresses phosphodiesterase
That is essentially important for the masculine performance where we know that phosphodiesterase is a physiological process regulating the muscular limpness of the penis after erection and ejaculation. That means that it suppresses also this process of becoming limp and thus naturally maintains the erect condition.
Each of the 3 active constituents of Yerba Mate has its specific properties
Caffeine is well-known as it is the active constituent of coffee or tea. It is an energizer and a stimulant of the cardiovascular system. On the level of the nervous system, it has a stimulating and mild euphoric effect.
It reduces weariness and increases attention. It releases adrenaline, a substance responsible for aggression and dopamine regulating the blood supply in muscles and cavernous bodies.
That is very important on the level of masculinity because this blood supply in the cavernous bodies in the lower abdomen below the penis causes it erection.
Theobromine is a compound of three bitter substances of the methylxanthines. It is found in cocoa. It is a vasodilator and cardio stimulating substance.
Its vasodilatory function indicates that it significantly contributes to the improvement of erection. Theobromine really expands the blood vessels thus relaxing the smooth muscles of the vascular wall.
Therefore we observe the decrease in arterial pressure as there is more space for the blood flowing through. Another very important consequence for masculinity is that the flow of blood through the vessels to the cavernous bodies facilitates erection.
Theophylline is a xanthine having bronchodilatory properties. It promotes the lipolysis of adipocytes which represents a natural way to eliminate fat cells.
It also causes the relaxation of smooth muscles compressing the blood vessels thereby again the improvement of the blood flow towards the cavernous bodies responsible for the blood supply in the penis and generation of erection.
And finally, theophylline strengthens the respiratory muscles and has a positive inotropic (heart contraction promoting) effect on the cardiac activity.
Active constituents of the Muira Puama plant
Muira Puama is a rare shrub with grey stem occurring in the Amazon rain forests of Brazil in the region of Mato Grosso. This shrub is very rare because its roots and bark are used by local Indians in their traditional medicine.
Peeling the bark from this shrub inevitably causes it to die. That is why the extinction of this shrub is increasingly faster. The local Indians use Muira Puama to treat impotency and neuromuscular problems.
The proof of its efficiency can be seen in the fact that it is officially recorded in the British pharmacopoeia as well as in the Brazilian one. French studies presented in 1990 at the Congress of Ethnopharmacology which tested 262 men conclusively confirmed a fast and strong effect of Muira Puama on the restoration of erectile functions in cases of full or partial impotency.
Laboratory analyses have identified active constituents of the Muira Puama. It is an alkaloid called miurapuamine and it is the right combination of caffeine, theobrmine, theophylline obtained from the Yerba Mate and the muirapuamine alkaloid from Muira Puama which guarantees the efficiency of the preparation E-REX 24.