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Guarantee of the free non-binding tests
It is obvious that you can use our unconditional guarantee for a free no-obligation test without any risk, and for 30 days. During this period, since the time of the shipment you can return the purchased cure, even partially exhausted, and we will immediately give your money back.

If you do not find the answer to your question here and you can send it to us by e-mail. We will respond as soon as possible.
Here are the answers to the 6 most frequently asked questions
- The time of processing your order.
- Which E-REX24 treatment should I choose?
- Guarantee of 100% natural quality of the E-REX24 preparation.
- Your 30-day Free, No-commitment trial period guarantee.
- Duration of the effects of E-REX24
- Possible side effects
Question No. 1 -How long does it take to deliver my consignment?

Your orders will be executed at the latest within 2 days. For example, our orders received on Saturday or Sunday will be dispatched via mail on Monday morning.
Our packages are mailed without any external designations, simply as “Recorded delivery”. Your consignment will be delivered to your home by mail service.
The mail service guarantees delivery within 48 hours (within 2 working days).
Our company dispatches packages to destinations all across Europe as well as overseas. Such consignments are designated as “International recorded delivery”. The corresponding delivery time is determined according to the respective destination ranging from 5 to 10 days.
Question No. 2 -Which E-REX24 treatment should I choose?
The E-REX24 preparation comes in the form of pills. Its use is simple: all you need to do is take one pill every morning and wash it down with a glass of water or some fruit juice.
When ordering the E-REX24 preparation, you can above all use the opportunity of one additional free* treatment course during a no-commitment 15-day trial period. You will have enough time to discover the first effects of EREX 24 on your masculinity because these effects are perceptible as early as on the 5th day after commencing the treatment.
Your choice:
1) Choose one course of treatment by E-REX24 Normal.
2) Choose one course of treatment by E-REX24 Forte.
3) Or choose one course of treatment by E-REX24 Extra Forte.
Just one hour after administration, the positive effect of E-REX24 on your erectile capacity will start showing. The effect of a single E-REX24 pill will last for the entire period of 24 hours. And that is also the reason why this extraordinary American masculinity preparation got its name of EREX 24.
Thanks to its long-lasting 24 hour effect, E-REX24 appears to be much more efficient than Viagra which has an effect on your erectile capacity lasting for only about 4 hours.
Moreover, E-REX24 also has positive effects fighting the failing libido and sexual appetite of men. And that is where Viagra and other treatment methods are falling behind as they only affect impotence!
The effects of the E-REX24 preparation in fighting impotence and failing sexual appetite of men are astonishing. It has been confirmed by laboratory tests and analyses of the blood and sperm!
Question No. 3 - Guarantee of 100% natural quality of the E-REX24 preparation?

Each of the components of the new E-REX24 preparation is absolutely natural by its origin and is purely organic. It is thanks to the unique composition of the new preparation with its natural ingredients which give the EREX 24 its power to fight impotence, erection problems and premature ejaculation.
With the help of E-REX24 you can control your erections and their duration at will for the pleasure of yourself as well as your partner.
We formally guarantee this to you in terms of our extraordinary offer in the form of a 30 day No-commitment Free Trial period!
Therefore this text of our Guarantee is placed on all of the dispatching documents enclosed in the consignment.
As a matter of course, all dispatched consignments sent by mail are discretely packaged and contain no external designation regarding their contents.
Question No. 4 - Your 30-day Free, No-commitment trial period guarantee.
If you use our special offer of a No-commitment Trial, you will get one more treatment course for a no-commitment 15-day trial in addition to your ordered treatment (of EREX 24 Forte or EREX 24 Extra Forte).
If you decide to return your consignment for any reason whatsoever within a period of 30 days:
Even if the E-REX24 treatment package is partially consumed, you will immediately get a refund of the amount paid by you. No questions, immediate refund.
Nobody will ask you any questions. Your guarantee is absolute and unconditional.
Your trial is thus absolutelyfree of charge..
You see that if we can make you such a no-commitment, free of charge offer of the E-REX24 treatment, it means that we are absolutely certain of its effects.
We are the only ones on the market offering such a Trustworthy and Free Trial!
You take no risks by requesting a Free 30 day Trial. No risk involved at all.
Question No.5 -Duration of the effects: perceptible as early as after 5 days of use?
Obvious positive results in terms of improvement of your masculinity can be observed as early as after 5 days. It is thanks to the potent ingredients of this extraordinary EREX 24 preparation which represents a genuine natural concentrate of masculine power.
This revolutionary American preparation concentrates and further activates the active constituents of exceptional purity and a 100% natural base. The contained active substances are combined according to the original and unique recipe devised in America.
E-REX24, this potent natural stimulating agent represents also a true Treasure of Alternative Medicine in terms of fighting problems with impotence, premature ejaculation, sexual failure and loss of sexual appetite in men.
Moreover, E-REX24 increases the penis size during erection both in length (+ up to 5 cm) as well as in volume (+ up to 30%).
If you request your 30-day Free, No-commitment trial, risk-free trial, you will have enough time to verify the extraordinary beneficial effects of E-REX24 on your masculinity and sexual performance. The first perceptible results can be felt as soon as after 5 days of use!
Question No. 6 - Side effects and contraindications
As opposed to Viagra and other pharmaceuticals drugs, E-REX24 has no contraindications for male adults and poses no risk for them. The new American E-REX24 is a natural, fast and efficient preparation treating impotence and masculinity problems.
However, it is necessary to keep in mind that the described curative effects by no means substitute an inevitable medical opinion of a diagnostic center and an assessment of the seriousness of a given pathological condition.