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Viagra, Aphrodisiacs & E-REX24 Compare!
All you should know about Viagra and aphrodisiacs and what no one has told you so far!
Many question trouble the minds of men who suffer from libido problems and failing sexual appetite, erectile dysfunction or even total impotency. The following belong to the most important ones:
1) Can Viagra or Cialis enhance the sexual pleasure?
2) Are aphrodisiacs really effective?
3) Is fulfilling the preparation E-REX24 both functions as sexual enhancer and at the same time an aphrodisiac?
Keep reading and you will find detailed answers to all important questions regarding Viagra and other sexual enhancers such as aphrodisiacs with their often only a symbolic effect.
You will also discover the fact that the solution offered by E-REX24 is fast, efficient and absolutely natural. This new American preparation represents true concentrated masculinity.
You will also find a comparison table with details on the mode of the effect, its duration and the price of these different products.
Question No. 1: Does Viagra as a sexual enhancer improve sexual pleasure during lovemaking?
A clear and instant answer to this question is NO!
It is important to know this. Viagra, the miraculous small blue pill and other sexual enhancers such as Cialis are not aphrodisiacs! The do not increase sexual pleasure as well!
It is necessary to realize that these substances are no sexual stimulants, not at all! They just serve to restore the lost erectile functions: unstable penis hardness and other erectile problems or even impotence.
The success rate of Viagra, Cialis and other sexual enhancers represents about 80%.
That at the same time shows a significant failure rate of 20%. But we also have to keep in mind that when a woman does not feel like making love or does not stimulate her partner sufficiently, these curative substances have no effect at all or just very small one.
Moreover, it is very important to correctly plan and time the administration of Viagra in advance because the duration of its effect is limited to just about 4 hours! Also important is its price because regular consumption of Viagra (or other sexual enhancers) can significantly affect your budget!
All its constituents are truly pharmaceutical drugs! They can thus cause serious and undesirable side effects including the cardiovascular area!
That is the reason why its use requires previous medical examination!
It is better to avoid their purchase outside regular pharmacies. The purchase of Viagra and other sexual enhancers on the Internet may involve the risk of obtaining fake drugs, often dangerous to health or posing a risk of overdose or contrarily insufficient dosage of the drug.
Question No. 2:Are aphrodisiacs really effective?
This is really a question calling for an answer! We know several natural products such as ginger, rhinoceros horn, herb Paris /a poisonous herb/ or the Jamaica pepper which have the reputation of being an aphrodisiac.
They are deemed to improve sexual pleasure during lovemaking.
Numerous scientific studies, however, have proved that these agents have above all a symbolic value without any provable effect on erectile problems. Some physicians even claim that these aphrodisiacs only have the placebo effect.
When we are convinced that some pill should have a certain effect, we have confidence in it and exceptionally it can also have an unexpected effect! It may even be dried banana peels which will be administered to you in the form of a pill which will work just because you believe in it!
That is a simple definition of what is called the placebo effect. A person believes that any pill free of any active constituents has an effect just because that person is psychologically convinced of its effect and sometimes it even works!
But there is one aphrodisiac which truly works. It is a substance called cantharidin. In fact it consists of dried and powdered flies/beetles (also called Cantharides or Spanish flies). It became famous in the 18th century during the trial held against the famous debauchee, a French writer Marquis de Sade.
The term “sadism” was named after this marquis. He used to organize orgies in Marseille in which not only he but also his servants and prostitutes took part. In order to strongly arouse them all sexually, he would serve them cantharidin for them to consume it. Some of them almost died of it and therefore he was brought to court.
However, he managed to escape certain death and fled to Italy where he continued his debauched life and his orgies. He wrote several pornographic novels during his life.
We can conclude from this that cantharidin is a true aphrodisiac but it is necessary to avoid its consumption as it is a potent lethal poison!
It is necessary to mention also the so called “love drugs” which are sold in sex shops under the name “poppers”. It was the homosexuals who were the first to start using them before heterosexuals discovered them for themselves as aphrodisiacs.
They are chemical products, generally on the basis of butyl nitrate or amyl nitrate. The come in liquid form and are either inhaled or sniffed through the nose. They have strong vasodilatory (vessel enlarging) effect reducing sensitivity thus delaying ejaculation and prolonging erection.
These products would be great if they aren't harmful to the user: headaches, dark stains on the skin, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, respiratory depressions or even a lethal cardiac arrest.
In connection with Viagra, Cialis or Levitra they can cause a strong and intense decrease in arterial pressure (collapse) and may be lethal even after the first dose. Their use is therefore strongly discouraged due to the serious risks they pose to human health or even possible lethal consequences.
Type of | Onset of action | Price per daily dose | Duration of action | natural composition | Dosage |
E-REX24 | immediately | 0,61 € | permanent | Yes | 1 pill / 24 h |
Other aphrodisiacs | 120 minutes | 3,68 € | 24 h | Yes | 2 capsule / 24h |
Viagra | 60 minutes | + 16 € | 4 h | No | 1 pill / 24 h |
Cialis | 60 minutes | + 16 € | 36 h | No | 1 pill / 24 h |
Question No. 3: Is E-REX24 the only solution to erection problems and failing libido?
The answer to question No. 3 is YES!
As a matter of fact, E-REX24 represents more than double advantage when compared to Viagra, sexual enhancers and commercial aphrodisiacs.
Moreover, in comparison with Viagra and other pharmaceutical drugs, EREX 24 is completely natural and causes no undesirable side effects. Its efficiency is comparable to that of Viagra which restores the reduced erectile function and eases impotence problems.
The effect of the EREX 24 preparation is fast and efficient even if you are over 50!
E-REX24 is a new extraordinary American preparation for fast treatment of masculinity problems even in individuals older than 50! It now has its supporters even among the best world sexologists because it represents a true concentrate of masculinity and sexual performance.
Moreover, the effects of E-REX24 are permanent. A single pill of E-REX24 a day will do to immediately mobilize all your erectile power. While when using Viagra, it is necessary to correctly plan and time administration of the pill before effectuating sexual intercourse. It is necessary to bear in mind that if the pill is taken too early, sexual failure is virtually hundred percent sure.
When compared with aphrodisiacs meant to enhance sexual pleasure during sexual intercourse, EREX 24 really proved itself. It really does solve problems with failing libido and sexual appetite as well as it enhances the intensity of sexual pleasure.
Let us remind you that unlike the E-REX24 aphrodisiacs have no effect on erectile functions. More and more authorities of modern medical science consider aphrodisiacs to be just a “placebo” (fictitious effect) and they recommend to view them as a simple “quack medicine” (a ”miracle cure”)!
The conclusion is that E-REX24 a concentrate of masculinity can be considered the ultimate weapon in fighting erectile dysfunctions and problems with sexual appetite and libido.