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All you should know about Viagra.
The important question which should be answered first is whether Viagra, Cialis and other sexual enhancers also improve sexual pleasure. It is necessary to clearly say that! THEY DON’T!
It is important to know that Viagra “the magic blue pill” as well as other sexual enhancers are no aphrodisiacs and are thus not free of risks to human health!
The first answer of the pharmaceutical laboratories to erectile problems came in the form of Viagra, the world-famous small blue pill scientifically designated as “Sildenafil”.
Originally, Sildenafil was meant to reduce high blood pressure when treating serious medical conditions such as the angina pectoris.
But soon it also emerged during clinical studies that it caused undesirable side effects in men. It provoked undesirable erections in men!
However that which was a disadvantage on the one hand turned into an advantage on the other hand. Laboratories turned Sildenalfel into a new drug called Viagra meant to induce erection in men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
The success was phenomenal. Viagra got some surprising results. It caused good and long erection (but sometimes even too long!) That is the cause of its phenomenal success.
Now we understand the effects of this chemical preparation!
It is the inhibitor (decelerator) of „phospdiesterase". This physiological process causes the penis to become flaccid after erection and ejaculation.
Viagra fights this process of becoming flaccid or “deflation” of the male penis and thus maintains it erect or prolongs the erection. But it is necessary to know that the prolongation and maintenance of erection may last much too long and thus cause certain consequences. That is the serious side effect which you should beware of.
But that is not all! As this miraculous product also has negative consequences in the cardiovascular area. Some physicians who prescribe Viagra might testify to how necessary it is to be cautious when using drugs of this type:
“Beware of sudden drop in blood pressure which may have fatal consequences".
So, now we know that Viagra and other analogous drugs may only be sold on medical prescription and after thorough medical examination of the patient’s health! Failing that, the human life may be at stage!
Subsequently also other drugs were developed such as „Cialis" or „Levitra" which facilitate blood supply to the penis thus inducing erection. However, is has been proved that these pharmaceutical drugs lose their effect with higher age!
It is necessary to realize that these drugs are no sexual stimulants, not at all! They just serve to restore the lost erectile functions: unstable penis firmness and other erectile problems, even impotence. The success rate of Viagra, Cialis and other sexual enhancers is about 80%. But that, on the other hand, also indicates a significant failure rate of 20%. We also have to keep in mind that when a woman does not feel like making love or if she does not sufficiently sexually stimulate her partner, these curative substances have no or only negligible effect.
What’s more, it is very important to program and time using Viagra in advance because its effect is usually limited to 4 hours!
Also important is the price of Viagra, as its regular consumption (or of another sexually enhancing drug) can considerably affect your budget. All of its constituents are real drugs! They can thus cause serious undesirable side effects including cardiovascular problems.
That is the reason why their use requires previous thorough medical examination!
It is better to avoid purchasing them outside pharmacies. Purchasing Viagra and other sexually enhancing drugs on the Internet may carry the risk of obtaining false drugs often dangerous to health, possible overdose or insufficient dosage of the drug.
Various drug tricks
Another cunning trick used in this area is the presentation of syringes containing a substance which is to be injected into the penis in order to expand blood vessels.
Another dangerous technique is the injection of another drug substance into the cavernous bodies (cavities in the penis) using a syringe some 10 to 15 minutes before performing sexual intercourse.
The cavernous bodies under the penis represent a small part of the male genitals which stores the blood before it is sent into the penis during erection. These two latter mentioned methods do not prevent ejaculation nor the achieved erection which, however, may be uncontrollably and undesirably prolonged.
We can also see that injecting a substance into these sensitive places may be very delicate. And it also requires very precise “pacing” which is not always easy to meet especially if the couple decides to improvise.
A list of contraindications and undesirable side effects of sexual enhancers.
Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are sexually enhancing drugs. They are unable to treat disorders related to reduced libido but are very active in terms of restoring erectile functions.
On the other hand they represent drugs which are only available by medical prescription and after through medical examination of the patient’s health. These drugs are not risk free and often have undesirable side effects, sometimes even serious ones.
It is also strongly recommended not to purchase these drugs directly, such as on the Internet. Regardless of the necessary medical check of your health, when purchasing on the Internet you might fall victims to fake drugs with too high or insufficient dosage..
There are even cases when absolutely harmless, ineffective substances are sold at high prices. These are cases of true fraud.
A table presented at the end of the text is arranged alphabetically. It indicates the contraindications and undesirable side effects even serious ones of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra according to individual medical conditions.
medical condition | contraindication | undesirable side effect | serious undesirable effect |
Abnormal vision |
viagra / cialis |
Active peptic ulcer |
viagra |
Amnesia /memory loss/ |
cialis |
levitra |
Anatomical penis deformation |
viagra |
Angina pectoris |
levitra |
Arterial hypertension/high blood pressure in arteries/ |
cialis |
levitra |
Ventricular arrhythmia |
cialis |
Color perception |
levitra |
Chest pain |
cialis |
Eye pain |
cialis |
Muscle pain /myalgia/ |
cialis |
levitra |
Backache |
levitra |
Heart palpitation |
cialis |
levitra |
Cephalalgia /headaches |
viagra / cialis |
levitra |
Degenerative retinal conditions/p> |
levitra |
Dermatosis /skin disease/ |
viagra |
Shortness of breath |
levitra |
Dyspepsia /digestive disorder/ |
viagra / cialis |
levitra |
Exfoliative dermatitis/ skin inflammation with peeling skin/ |
cialis |
Photosensitivity/ increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight/ |
levitra |
Gastroesophageal reflux /reflux disease of the gullet/ |
cialis |
Hepatitis /inflammatory liver disease / |
viagra |
Hypertension of the conjunctiva /intraocular/Hypertenze spojivek /nitrooční/ |
cialis |
Hypotension/low blood pressure in the arteries// |
cialis |
levitra |
Myocardial infarction: |
levitra |
cialis |
viagra |
Myocardial ischemia: |
levitra |
Cardiovascular problems |
levitra |
Nettle-rash |
cialis |
Nosebleed |
cialis |
levitra |
Cramps |
cialis |
levitra |
Congestive heart failure: |
viagra / levitra |
Migraine |
cialis |
Apoplexy/heart attack |
cialis / levitra |
Excessive sweating |
cialis |
Sudden cardiac death |
cialis |
Unstable angina pectoris |
cialis / levitra |
Nausea |
levitra |
Optic non arterial ischemia: |
cialis |
viagra |
Sleepiness |
levitra |
Laryngeal swelling |
levitra |
Facial swelling |
cialis |
levitra |
Eyelid swelling |
cialis |
Hearing disorders |
cialis |
viagra |
Priapism /long lasting painful erection/ |
cialis |
viagra / levitra |
Diarrhea |
viagra |
Oversensitivity |
cialis |
levitra |
Blurred vision |
levitra |
Liver failure: |
levitra |
Kidney failure: |
viagra / levitra |
Cardiac ischemia: |
viagra |
Anxiety |
levitra |
Muscular stiffness |
levitra |
Syncope /short-term loss of consciousness/ |
cialis |
levitra |
Tachycardia / increased heart rate/ |
cialis |
levitra |
Stuffy nose |
viagra / cialis |
levitra |
Vasomotor seizures |
cialis |
levitra |
Skin eruption |
cialis |
Conjunctivitis |
levitra |
Dizziness |
viagra |
cialis |
levitra |
Retinal changes |
viagra |