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Testosterone and virility
Why low production of testosterone in men has results in erection problems and loss of sexual appetite?
Testosterone is the hormone of masculinity in men. In principle it is produced in the testicles. Thus it is understood that its production in women is virtually zero.
This means that testosterone in men is responsible for the generation of energy, fitness, strength and full masculinity.
First of all, it is necessary to explain why increased level of testosterone in you, men, is responsible for physical and mental strength. Your muscles have more volume, more strength and stamina. It shows in the overall appearance of a manly guy. His facial expression is hard and dynamic. It can also be seen in the way he walks, which is fast and energetic.
The higher level of testosterone + the higher your masculinity + the higher your physical and mental resistance
Muscles: More massive, stronger and firmer.
Penis: Longer, stronger and more often erect. Fast overproduction of sperm for more intense sexual activity!
That is also the reason why some men have such power to seduce women. The women do not realize it but it is the manifestation of the high level of testosterone. It is because nature made it so that testosterone is responsible for manly and muscular appearance
That is also reflected in great sexual performance.
The level of testosterone in children is virtually zero. It starts to increase during puberty. During growing up, the body is changing and the muscle volume increases. Shoulders become wider the whole body is maturing. Pubic and body hair develops and the voice becomes deeper.
At the age of 30 the production of testosterone reaches its maximum. At that age a man is at his best in terms of all his means. That is especially true in terms of sexuality. It is because testosterone is responsible for sexual desire, erection, its duration and quality.
The correct level of testosterone is a safeguard of strong erections as well as of perfect control of their duration. A manly guy is also able to ensure a great sexual intercourse, which will fully satisfy his partner as well as him. That is the reason why men with a high level of testosterone can seduce women without problems.
But with higher age this production of the hormone of masculinity progressively decreases. The signs of masculinity are fading. A man puts on weight, his muscle volume is slowly disappearing and his belly is filling out. He even accumulates fat reserves on the buttocks.
So by this way andropause begins, it is the male equivalent of the female menopause. We grow old faster, we get tired more easily and we get out of shape. Also the sexual appetite is decreasing.
Starting from about the age of 65, the level of testosterone reaches its lower level. At the age of 75 it is virtually over. The production of testosterone is negligibly low. It is equal to the testosterone production of a 5 years old boy!
Are you troubled by erection problems and loss of sexual appetite? You don’t have to worry nevermore!
In the above text you could read about the important role of testosterone in male sexuality since childhood to high age. It is the correct level of this hormone of masculinity which besides physical and mental fitness also ensures perfect sexual performance.
But in many men this is not the case. Since the time of their puberty, their production of testosterone is not sufficient and they run the risk of never becoming real man, with the all necessary attributes.

Upper limit of testosterone production Lower limit of testosterone production
It is interesting to compare the two curves of the highest and lowest level of testosterone production. It indicates that at the age of 30 when the production of testosterone is maximal for both curves, the level at the low limit (3μl/l) is equivalent to the level on the vertical curve at the age of 70.
For many men it is the same as if they were 40 years older in terms of their sexuality!
This deficit is quite a frequent phenomenon. 40% of men are troubled by erection problems and premature ejaculation because their testosterone level is insufficient or virtually equal to zero.
So, if you are troubled by:
- decreased sexual desire | - deficient sexual fitness | - impotence | - erectile dysfunction |
- insufficient performance | - problems with masculinity |
- sexual asthenia | - reduced libido |
- too small penis size | - premature ejaculation |
Now you know the answer:
It is due to your insufficient testosterone production!
You don’t have to be depressed about it! Today you can say STOP to you erection problems and regain enormous sexual fitness fast using EREX 24. This new astonishing American preparation enables reactivation of your natural testosterone production and is does so at any age.
Don't hesitate and significantly boost your masculinity by this way!
You can even use one treatment course for free within our 15 day no-commitment trial treatment so that you yourself can verify the astonishing effects of EREX 24 on your masculinity.