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Opinion by Dr. Green
Dr. Green’s opinion of the E-REX24 preparation.
(Dr. Alexander Green is a sexologist of world renown. He is the author the paper called „11 simple tricks to sexually satisfy a woman")
„EREX 24, the real natural Viagra..."

“Just as well as the confirmation of the testimony by my fellow doctor Dr. R.H who says that E-REX24 is the new American preparation for 100% natural treatment of impotence and erectile problems.”
Unlike Viagra, E-REX24 is not a pharmaceutical drug and can be sold freely without medical prescription to people suffering from diabetes or cardiovascular problems as it has no contraindications. We know that it is the testosterone produced in the testicles which ensures the masculinity, strength and sexual performance. Its deficiency in men manifests itself in the form of masculinity problems and reduced sexual appetite.
Of course, we can produce synthetic testosterone from cholesterol. Unfortunately, this preparation has serious undesirable side effects on human health (cancer, vascular accidents, sometimes even lethal – stroke or apoplexy).
Moreover, it suppresses the body’s natural production of testosterone in testicles. The result is paradoxical: administration of synthetic testosterone results in atrophy of the testicles! And that is where the new American preparation EREX 24 comes in as an amazing invention which naturally restores the production of testosterone in men suffering from too low level of this hormone of masculinity.
We can say that E-REX24 is the real natural Viagra free of any risks. However, Viagra only treats insufficient erection while E-REX24 works in the treatment of all problems with libido in men as well as their loss of sexual appetite.
Therefore, if you are troubled by premature ejaculation, too small penis or impotence, insufficient sexual performance, failing masculinity, erectile dysfunction and problems with libido, it is the EREX 24 which will solve all of the above masculinity problems.
E-REX24 quickly proved its astonishing efficiency. It is because the first signs of its effect are perceptible as soon as after one week of use, for example in the form of stable and firm morning erection when waking up.
The effects of E-REX24 on the men’s potency has been proved in laboratories by means of analyses of the testosterone level in the blood and the sperm count in the ejaculate.
After a short time, it was observed in individuals with failing masculinity that with the help of EREX 24:
1) There was a significant increase in the level of testosterone, the hormone of masculinity.
2)The sperm count doubled which was proved by significant spermatogenesis in the testicles. That indicates a fast increase in masculinity.
Using E-REX24, your erections will be stronger, more intense and long-lasting. You will definitely surprise your partner by better sexual performance. Your erection will be 100% under your control and you will be able to time your ejaculation at will.
After the first complete sexual act you will be surprised to discover how you’re your erection ability will be restored. Some of my patients even had complete sexual intercourse up to 6 times during one night!