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- E-REX24 : Non-doping solution to improved performance!
We already know that testosterone, the hormone of masculinity, is the basis of the results and performance of top-level athletes. It can be easily synthesized but its use is not risk-free!
Among the first to have started using the synthetic testosterone were the Soviet athletes soon followed by American coaches. During the 1960s high records were set in most sport events especially in discus throwing, javelin throwing, shot put and endurance run.
Athletes thus also developed impressively shaped bodies. Such bodies had not been seen in the stadiums before. Although the effect in male athletes was extraordinary, the effects in female athletes were less impressive even startling.
Only recently the athletes were virtually “stuffing themselves” with testosterone and trained even harder than ever before. They consumed more food based on animal proteins.
A diet plan containing 9000 kcal enabled a muscle mass
gain of up to 25kg in only 6 months!
So we only limited the impact of fatigue and prolonged the duration of training while accelerating the restoration of forces. Which enabled increased training intensity. The consequence was obvious: their performance went up steeply!
However, the sports authorities declared the administration of testosterone illegal. Thus it was designated as a doping agent.
Instances of confirmed doping
Cases of positive doping tests multiplied in the 1980s with the institution of checks by the sports federation. Thus:
- In1983 a Finn by the name of Vainio tested positive for doping during the Rotterdam marathon and in 1984 he was stripped of his 10 000 m run Olympic medal.
- V r.1987 a Pole Niemzak, a runner-up in the New York marathon
- V r.1988 a Belgian female marathoner Rita van Landeghem after the pre-Olympic check.
- Also in1988 the famous American athlete Ben Johnson was convicted of committing this silly offence.
- In1990 a Russian runner Sirjet Eichelman in the Los Angeles marathon.
Dangerous risk of testosterone doping
Administration of exogenous testosterone carries the risk of serious intoxication and lesions of the liver cells, increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular accidents. There is a suspicion that the premature and sudden death of many top-level athletes was caused by practicing this testosterone doping.
Moreover, injecting synthetic exogenous testosterone suppresses the body’s own production of the endogenous testosterone of the individual.
The consequences are more than dramatic: it is the atrophy of the testicles!
In women we can witness the “masculinization”. Their voice becomes more husky. Their hair is thinner and premature balding occurs. The chin and upper lip become hairy.
Hair appears even on the inside of the thighs, in the area between breasts and in the area of nipples. Regular menstruation is suspended, the clitoris becomes disproportionately large. The breasts become smaller. the pelvis narrows and the shoulders become wider.
A natural solution to improve performance without doping comes in the form of E-REX24!
The whole world agrees that exogenous testosterone is a simple way to significantly enhance the performance of athletes. But this agent also represents danger: risk of cancer, serious vascular accidents, not excluding even cases of sudden premature death. Moreover, instead of enhancing masculinity it suppresses the body’s own natural production of endogenous testosterone.
Which results in atrophy of the testicles in men.
E-REX24, a new American preparation fighting failing masculinity, has an enormous advantage in its 100% natural basis which induces an astonishing increase in the production of own endogenous testosterone in the testicles!